samedi 20 février 2016

Baked waffles

Baked waffles
Waffles and oven that is not going too together, right? Waffles that are baked in a waffle iron ... But I admit I'm curious about everything and when I saw a silicone waffle iron to make waffles in the oven I have a little "cracked" 
The accompanying recipe the mold contained no milk but plenty of butter, already without the waffle waffle iron that's weird, then no milk waffles it was still more strange ... 
so I tried two little waffle batter recipe and I 'I used to fill my mold.
Baked waffles
Recipe 1: 
8 to 12 Gauf
 res (they are small in my silicone mold) 
3 white and yellow eggs separated 
350 ml milk 
200 g flour 
1 tablespoon baking powder 
75 powdered sugar ge 
75 g butter, melted 
1 pinch of salt optional: 1 cap rum or orange flower water
Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt. 
In a bowl whisk the yolks with the sugar. Add the milk vigorously mixing and then add the flour and baking powder. Mix well to avoid lumps. Add a pinch of salt and melted butter. Add eventually rum or orange flower water. Fold the white snow.
Pour 1/3 of the batter into the pan, bake in the preheated oven (220 °) for 15 to 20 minutes. The above is a little brown. Turn out the waffles on the hob (possibly covered with a sheet of parchment paper) and fill the mold with 1/3 of the remaining dough.Cook the waffles unmoulded smooth side against the plate for 5 minutes. 
Cook the second batch of waffles, unmold and let them cook for 5 minutes on the other side. Do the same with the third batch. 
Serve with icing sugar or melted chocolate or whipped cream.
Recipe 2: 
For 8 gau
 ures (they are small in my silicone mold) 
400 g milk 
300 g flour 
1 teaspoon baking powder 
2 eggs 
75g caster sugar 
75g melted butter 
1 pinch of salt Optional: 1 rum stopper or orange flower water
Whisk eggs in a bowl with the sugar. Add milk, stirring briskly. Then add the flour and baking powder. Mix well to avoid lumps. Add a pinch of salt and melted butter. Add eventually rum or orange flower water.
Pour half of the batter into the pan, bake in the preheated oven (220 °) for 15 to 20 minutes. The above is a little brown. Turn out the waffles on the hob (possibly covered with a sheet of parchment paper) and fill the mold with the remaining dough. Cook the waffles unmoulded smooth side against the plate for 5 minutes. 
Cook the second batch of waffles, unmold and let cook for 5 minutes on the other side. 
Serve with icing sugar or melted chocolate or whipped .
verdict: it was not at all traditional waffles, do not expect to find the soft and crunchy waffles fair. But it gets cool little cakes shaped waffle .... Fluffy inside and crispy outside, that's fine. 
I preferred the version number 1 more crispy and light, I think it's the latter that closest waffles waffle iron. Version 2 provides soft cakes. 
The girls loved both, with a preference for chocolate miss the first version. Chocolator junior preferred the second version. 
These waffles do not keep very well (they lose quickly crispy side but still fluffy long) 
To make a savory version. 
It can be in these molds make a cake batter to get mellow shaped waffles. 
My pictures are pallid, but this is the only batch I could save, the other waffle I left brown a little longer was unceremoniously eaten ....
Baked waffles

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